About Us
Erik Winsand’s passion for beer has burned for nearly all his life. A life that has been molded, guided… fermented, if you will, by a unique event experienced as a toddler. Just able to walk, the young Eric wandered into a gas station beer cooler near closing and spent the night shivering among the mountains of Coors Banquet and Coors Light. After a few hours - being in the midst of teething - he gnawed through a can and into his first beer. Thus, through the miracle of negligent parenting and painful metamorphic development, an abiding love was born.
The next 20 years of his parents’ life were largely dedicated to the failing effort to keep the lad away from beer. Clever for a Windsand, his schemes and trickery usually netted him at least a can or bottle. But, while the hapless couple failed in their overall goal, they did limit his success enough to prevent the child doing harm to himself. Everything changed when Erick fled home for the freedom of higher education.
Erich successfully studied beer and adequately studied engineering (citation needed) at Michigan City College Technical School of Engineering. A few years into his grueling studies, the young man realized the very skills he should have been learning in his studies could be turned upon the task of brewing the elixir Erk so valued. A few middling attempts at the obvious toilet wine, led the newly minted graduate to turn some of his graduation gifts into a beer brewing kit.
However, success would not come easy to Windpants. Despite his passion, he just wasn’t that good at brewing beer. Erkel forgot a lot of the steps and ingredients quite often, and even when he was able to follow the steps properly, the beer was mediocre at best. For years, he toiled - his sweat, blood and tears creating products ranging from passable to undrinkable. Finally, Fate, bored of her now cruel joke, intervened and introduced Adam into Erique’s life. A brewing savant, Adam was able to take advantage of Erok’s passion, drive and, most importantly, non-beer liquid assets.
A symbiotic relationship was born, with Erik’s firm grasp driving them forward, pumping cash into an endeavor that would release Adam’s genius in explosive, flavorful bursts upon the eagerly awaiting world.
Adam like beer